Monday, June 11, 2007

This Is about The LDS Church in Which we attend each Week
Basic Beliefs
Visit to learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the Mormon Church). The site includes information about the Church's teachings regarding the family, the nature of God, and the purpose of life. You can also view frequently asked questions or ask a question of your own.

Church History
To increase your understanding of the rich and inspiring legacy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the Mormon Church), visit the Church History section of the site for access to library and archive resources, museum exhibits, historic site information, and more.

Find a Meetinghouse
Church buildings are located throughout the world, in many cases within or near your town or city. Use the Meetinghouse Locator to find the nearest location for Sunday services.

For answers to frequently asked questions, teachings on the purpose of temples, and information on individual temples around the world, visit the Temples section of the site.

Mormon Tabernacle Choir features all the latest information on events, tickets, recordings, and more for this world-famous choir. The site is also the ideal place to learn more about the Temple Square Chorale and the Orchestra at Temple Square.

Provident Living
Self-reliance and welfare resources for individuals, families, and Church leaders are available on the Provident Living site. Topics include emergency preparedness, emotional and physical health, employment assistance, and much more.

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