Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Africa tales

when the first sun rose it found us awake and waiting long before they came to this hill our footsteps shaped the landscape , Tamed the buffalo we rode the wind we silenced the hurricane, look at us we have been here before

Are New Address

Heres are address in Africa if u want to send us mail or ext. 8 Windsor Ave. Westville 3630 Durban

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Just Some words to think of!!

"Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open."
Sir James Dewar,Scientist

"Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
Mark Twain

"Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own."
Chinese proverb

"I will not condemn you for what you did yesterday, if you do it right today."
Sheldon S. Maye

"I can't understand why people are frightened by new ideas. I'm frightened of old ones."
John Cage

Friday, June 15, 2007

Boise State Broncos Vs. South Africa Sharks

--What team would u cheer for The South Africa Sharks or would u rather cheer for teh BSU Broncos? What team is better? What team is More Skilled? which team would u rather play for? (Think of it this way if u play For The sharks You probaly get layed out by me or if u play for boBoise state your safe cause you have pads.......

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Finish The Drill

Just remember These Words "the reasons people fail in life is because there lazy and they dont listen" Todd Robberts

Monday, June 11, 2007

This Is about The LDS Church in Which we attend each Week
Basic Beliefs
Visit Mormon.org to learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the Mormon Church). The site includes information about the Church's teachings regarding the family, the nature of God, and the purpose of life. You can also view frequently asked questions or ask a question of your own.

Church History
To increase your understanding of the rich and inspiring legacy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the Mormon Church), visit the Church History section of the site for access to library and archive resources, museum exhibits, historic site information, and more.

Find a Meetinghouse
Church buildings are located throughout the world, in many cases within or near your town or city. Use the Meetinghouse Locator to find the nearest location for Sunday services.

For answers to frequently asked questions, teachings on the purpose of temples, and information on individual temples around the world, visit the Temples section of the site.

Mormon Tabernacle Choir
MormonTabernacleChoir.org features all the latest information on events, tickets, recordings, and more for this world-famous choir. The site is also the ideal place to learn more about the Temple Square Chorale and the Orchestra at Temple Square.

Provident Living
Self-reliance and welfare resources for individuals, families, and Church leaders are available on the Provident Living site. Topics include emergency preparedness, emotional and physical health, employment assistance, and much more.

Brother and Sister Mann

Here are my Parents President Mann and Sister President Mann.

Welcome To Durban South Africa

Durban is Africa's Zulu Kingdom's bewitching seaside playground.
This is My New boise Idaho to me............

Three great Years at Sawtooth

Thanks to all my friends for the best three years in school i've ever had. Im going to miss you all so much....

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A New Culture

I have realized what life is about. You may go through rough times and good times like I have. But when you think your life is as bad as it could get, you may want to Take a look around you and see how tough other people’s lives are. Then in the end your life seems pretty good now.

My New Home

This Is my new house where i will be living in for the next three years... " Man oh man aleast theres a pool" Jeffrey Morgan Mann Oh and by the The room with the two Beds is my new bed room..